A dip in the Ol Blog Pool

What’s up Fry Fam!

It’s been a long time since I wrote anything here. Writing is something I have always had a love/hate relationship with. After two years at a university studying business, I transferred to Columbia College in Chicago to pursue a career in filmmaking, with a concentration in writing. Though I finished with a sound engineer concentration. Ideas for scripts, titles of films, band names, and interesting words were wildly written on the pages of dedicated legal pads for future reference. So a blog would naturally be something I’d be into, but like most unsuccessful writers, I just can’t get to sit my ass down and type it out. As life gets busier, as the kids get older, and as time moves faster I find sitting down to write a very difficult task. As for right now though, its 5:34am and I have a Venti Starbucks coffee I got from a 24hr location and I’m writing.

What do I write about? It’s been like 2 years since my last blog post. I can literally start anywhere. What’s new? Everything is new?

Let’s start with the name? Shall we?

I Love Fry is our original name. I registered for a trademark in 2017 and I was awarded with that registration in 2018. Then I hired a lawyer to help me solidify my ownership of I Love Frys the trademark and he “forgot to file the papers.” His reason when I asked: “I didn’t think you were for real.”

How does one react to this news? Well, when I got the news it was at the most inopportune time. I was in a legal meeting trying to register our company so that we can sell franchises. Then one of the attorneys says, “Wait, it says here you don’t own this trademark, someone else does!”

I tried to keep my composure as my internal organs spontaneously combusted, then melted, then reformed into mush and combusted once again. I think I did ok.

Retelling of this is making my blood boil, so I’ll wrap it up.

So I lost I Love Frys, but there is precedence here. Back in the day 2 people came up with Burger King at the same time in two different locations. The Burger King Corp. came out of Florida and the The Burger King Inc. is a mom & pop shop and is located in Mattoon, IL. To the best of my knowledge it’s still there operated by the same family for over 50-60 years. They have a protected radius of like 25miles around their location. Burger King Corp. cannot operate in that area. So the same thing goes here. I predate the super awesome person that took my trademark, so I plan on being I Love Frys as long as I want.

Enter: Oh My Frys.

I thought it was a cute name.

Turns out there’s and “Oh My” for all kinds of stuff.

I’m trying to separate myself from other fast food locations by sourcing good ingredients. Ingredients based on quality and not just profit margin. I know that money is important and profit is needed to continue a business, but I’d rather make a little less if my product is going to be MILES better than the status quo.

So Oh My Frys is no longer a thing.

I hope that clarifies the whole “what do we call you guys” thing.

I really don’t think it matters. You know who we are, and you know where we are.

Oh yeah…. Speaking of where we are.

We’re moving. I can’t say where. Not yet.

All I can say is that it will be super nice. Our current landlord is totally not a slumlord and is totally not someone that take profit out of a building without ever putting any investment into how it looks. And he’s so nice that I just can’t stand it anymore. He’s LIT-ER-ALL-Y killing me with kindness. I must leave. And I can’t wait to make that announcement. But I Must!

I think I will cut it off here. I feel like I should start off slow if I’m going to get into this blog again. I’ll do my best to post more often.

‘til next time fry fam!

much love!
