Dietary Notes

Added 9-2-2020

Our Pie Filling is locally made in Elk Grove Village.

Our Honey is from Villa Park. So when you taste it you’re tasting the flowers of our own community.

Our Cheese Curds come from Ellsworth, Wisconsin.

We have 2 Black Truffles from Australia, then the rest of our Truffles will be coming from Italy.

Our Chili has no added gluten

Our Ranch Seasoning has no added gluten

Our Mahsala has no added gluten and vegan

Our Red Sauce has no added gluten

Our Garlic Butter has no added gluten

 Our Fire Frys are vegan

Our Salt ‘n Pepper Frys are vegan and have no added gluten

Our Irish Curry Frys have trace amounts of milk

Our Frys are not Organic, but if we get to a point where we have the power to demand this from our suppliers we will jump at the opportunity to do so. We feel organics are not only healthy for our body, they are healthy for the environment as well.

Our Frys are not certified gluten free. While there is no gluten added to our products at the manufacturing facility they are not certified gluten free due to costs of certification. However, I was assured that there is no gluten added to these potatoes and there are no gluten processes that would contaminate these frys.

We are working to confirm our other menu items.


Though we cannot certify that our food is allergen free, we can assure you that we pester all of our suppliers by asking all the questions we can think of regarding quality of ingredients and how they are handled.


Everything we make in our kitchen is high quality food made with care and love. My motto in the kitchen is “Showing up is half the battle and the other half is caring about what you do.” If we wouldn’t eat it ourselves, you can be sure we would not serve it.

Our ingredients are carefully sourced. We try and source locally, but when that doesn’t work we look for quality and sustainability practices to ensure the integrity of our ingredients is oh high standards.

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